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Here’s who to contact when we go to the Senate

The committee is expected to hear testimony on our KanCare bill, SB2044 on March 20th and 21st, and it’s important that we generate the same level of momentum received by members of the House committee to guarantee the bill passes in the Senate. Below is the contact information for senators to contact, and you can find […]

David Jordan: Fight for KanCare expansion continues

The fight for KanCare expansion in Kansas is not over. Despite the tabling of a bill on Monday that should have been allowed to go to the full House for a vote, there is an army of advocates who haven’t come this far without making sure every last option is considered. The lives of Kansans, […]

Thanks to EVERYONE who testified at the February Hearings!

Verbal Testimony David Jordan, Executive Director, Alliance for a Healthy Kansas Joe Reardon, President & CEO, Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Michael Mullins, President & CEO, Via Christi Health, Inc. Suzann Emmons, self-employed housekeeper in the coverage gap Lynn Fisher, MD, President, Kansas Academy of Family Physicians Bill Persinger, President and CEO, Valeo Behavioral […]

David Jordan: Facts show Medicaid expansion helps state

Facts show Medicaid expansion helps state Too often, opponents of Medicaid expansion – such as Jeff Glendening, state director of Americans for Prosperity (Jan. 12 Opinion) – point to the costs associated with expansion but fail to include the facts about how savings and economic growth offset those costs. For instance, expanding KanCare would cost […]

Statement on the State of the State Address

Statement from Alliance for a Healthy Kansas on State of the State Address: Tonight the Governor once again failed to endorse the expansion of KanCare in his State of the State address. He chose to ignore the needs of Kansans, whose lives would be remarkably improved with this one decision.  At the Alliance for a […]

Alliance will work with Legislature to expand KanCare

A response to Governor Brownback’s 2017 State of the State address from David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas: “Tonight the Governor once again failed to endorse the expansion of KanCare in his State of the State address. He chose to ignore the needs of Kansans, whose lives would be remarkably […]

Sheldon Weisgrau and David Jordan: We must expand Medicaid in Kansas

Why does health coverage matter? Ask Suzan Emmons, a self-employed business owner in Allen County. She lost her health insurance when she attained guardianship of her grandchildren. With the increased household size, she dropped below the income eligibility requirement to receive financial help to buy private insurance. Yet, she still makes too much to qualify […]

ICYMI: Kansas health care “dead zone” featured in The New York Times

  The New York Times has a new, in-depth article detailing the harrowing accounts of hardworking families stuck in the coverage gap across the nation, and Kansas features prominently. This is an important time for our state. We are seeing new energy in the Legislature to expand KanCare because too many people have struggled as […]