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Opinion: Kan. is on the precipice of change in the mental health arena

Earlier this year, Mental Health America placed Kansas 51st in the nation (including DC) in terms of overall mental health. While Kansas’s 51st ranking isn’t about Medicaid expansion, it’s about Medicaid expansion. Kansas is one of only 10 states in the nation that has not expanded Medicaid.

Georgia launches Medicaid Expansion in closely watched test of work requirements

Georgia is offering a new bargain to some adults without health insurance beginning Saturday: Go to work or school and the state will cover you. But advocates decry the plan, which will insure far fewer people than a full expansion of the state-federal Medicaid program, as needlessly restrictive and expensive.

The program is likely to be closely watched as Republicans in Congress push to let states require work from some current Medicaid enrollees. Georgia would be the only state that requires Medicaid recipients to meet a work requirement.

step 4: “Ask why” lte campaign

The Legislature refuses to have hearings on KanCare expansion, and some legislators won’t even talk about it. We want to ask them: “Why?” It’s time for Step 4 of our “Steps to Expansion” initiative: “Ask Why” LTE campaign.

new report confirms benefits of kancare expansion to behavioral health system

Expansion of the state’s Medicaid program, KanCare, would have a significant effect on the state’s behavioral health system, according to a new study from the Kansas Health Institute. The study showed that, among other things, KanCare expansion would lead to increased resources for behavioral health providers; decrease the costs of county jails in Kansas; and reduce the number of children entering the Kansas foster care system due to neglect. Kansas is one of only eleven states in the national who haven’t expanded their Medicaid programs.

steps to expansion – start advocating today!

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to engage in legislative advocacy for expansion this session. The “Steps to Expansion” initiative will make it easy for you to know where things stand with KanCare expansion legislation and how you can best participate at any given time. Use the graphic above to join us in advocating for accessible, affordable health insurance for all Kansans!

KCUR: Medicaid expansion in Kansas: What to know before lawmakers convene in January

By Miranda Moore / Kansas City Beacon / December 29, 2022 Kansas is one of 11 states that have not expanded Medicaid eligibility. Will 2023 be the year it passes? Medicaid expansion is a popular policy among voters, in Kansas and across the country. More than 7 in 10 Kansas voters support expanding Medicaid eligibility, […]

VOyage kc: Exploring Life & Business with April Holman of Alliance for a Healthy Kansas

Today we’d like to introduce you to April Holman.
Hi April, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories. I have an undergraduate degree in history and political science, which is not necessarily a direct pathway to employment. Law school seemed like a logical next step but after enrolling it didn’t take long for me to realize that the traditional practice of law was not for me. Since I am too stubborn to quit something that I have started, I stuck it out and finished the degree. Although I have been licensed as an attorney in Kansas for twenty-five years, I have never practiced traditional law.

Abilene reflector-chronicle: KanCare recipients should prepare to reenroll: advocates of Medicaid expansion prepare for legislative session

By Gail Parsons / Dec 19, 2022 Soon after the pandemic started shutting down offices and businesses the federal government declared a public health emergency, which put a temporary halt to the annual reenrollment for KanCare. During the public health emergency, no state was allowed to end a person’s eligibility for Medicaid — that pause […]