Medicaid Expansion is Popular with Kansans
- What is Medicaid Expansion?
- Why Medicaid Expansion?
- 2024 Briefing Book on Medicaid Expansion
- “Uninsured? Share Your Story” brochure
- Expand KanCare: Just the Facts (Click here for document en Español)
- 2022-2023 KanCare Expansion Advocacy Toolkit
- Faith-Based Advocacy Toolkit
- KanCare Expansion: An Overview
- Medicaid Expansion facts by county — UPDATED FOR 2025
- Medicaid Expansion’s Impact on the Kansas Behavioral Health System and Users of Behavioral Health Services
- Federal Medicaid Expansion Incentive – What is it and what does it mean for Kansas?
- “Love Thy Neighbor” fact sheet — NEW
medicaid expansion:
reduces costs & protects against medical debt
- Why Medicaid Expansion is Critical During a Public Health Crisis
- KanCare expansion is good for patients and public health
- Expanding KanCare will enhance services for mental health and substance use disorders
- Expanding Medicaid assists incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people and reduces the load on our criminal justice system
- KanCare expansion improves maternal and infant health outcomes
- KanCare expansion is a crucial step towards advancing racial justice and addressing racial health disparities in Kansas
- KanCare expansion supports veterans
- KanCare expansion will benefit children and the schools they attend
- KanCare Expansion will enhance insurance coverage for Native Americans
- Did Medicaid Expansion Reduce Medical Divorce?
- Benefits of Medicaid Expansion for Behavioral Health
- The Effect of Public Insurance Expansions on Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act
fixes eligibility limits
- Most people eligible for KanCare expansion are in working families
- KanCare expansion supports families
- Medicaid expansion improves breast cancer screening for low-income women
- Medicaid Eligibility Expansions May Address Gaps In Access To Diabetes Medications
- The Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions and Personal Finance
- The Coverage Gap: Uninsured Poor Adults in States that Do Not Expand Medicaid
preserves & strengthens rural health care
- KanCare expansion protects and strengthens rural hospitals
- Expanding KanCare will enhance rural health and protect rural hospitals
- KanCare is cost efficient and is moving forward with care and payment improvements
- Rural Hospitals at Risk of Closing
- Understanding The Relationship Between Medicaid Expansions And Hospital Closures
- The Effect of Rural Hospital Closures on Community Economic Health
keeps kansas economically competitive
- Report: Medicaid Expansion and Main Street
- KanCare expansion will boost the state economy
- Expanding KanCare will boost the state economy and the state budget
- The Business Case for KanCare Expansion
- Preliminary Estimates of the State and Local Tax Revenue Generated by the Expansion of Medicaid Expenditures
- Assessing the Economic and Budgetary Impact of Medicaid Expansion in Colorado: FY 2015-16 through FY 2034-35
- Medicaid Expansion and the Louisiana Economy
- Economic Effects of Medicaid Expansion in Michigan
- The Economic Impact of Medicaid Expansion in Montana
- Ohio Medicaid Group VIII Assessment: A Report to the Ohio General Assembly
supports the workforce
- The Disability Community Supports Medicaid Expansion
- Uncompensated Care Decreased At Hospitals In Medicaid Expansion States But Not At Hospitals In Nonexpansion States
- How Are Hospitals Faring Under the Affordable Care Act? Early Experiences from Ascension Health
- Medicaid Expansion Affects Rural And Urban Hospitals Differently
- The Relationship Between Work and Health: Findings from a Literature Review
- Medicaid Expansion Helped Enrollees Do Better at Work or in Job Searches
- Talking points on Georgia’s “Pathways to Coverage” program
Other Arguments for expansion & resources
- KanCare expansion will not harm the state budget
- States can count on Federal financial support for expansion
- The Effects Of Medicaid Expansion Under The ACA: A Systematic Review
- The Effect of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions on Financial Wellbeing
- State Medicaid Expansions and Mortality, Revisited: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Medicaid Expansion and Infant Mortality in the United States
- 2022 Candidate Forum List of Questions
- 2020 Medicaid Year in Review
- 2022 Public Hearing on KanCare Expansion written testimony
- 2024 Kansas House Proponent testimony on Medicaid Expansion
- 2024 Kansas Senate Proponent testimony on Medicaid Expansion
- 2024 Additional testimony
- Advocacy modules