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Medicaid Expansion Works: Evidence from Ohio

“If it wasn’t for Medicaid, I would not have been able to pay for surgery that was needed for a heart condition I was born with.” “Having Medicaid has meant that I’m able to pay my rent and get the health care that I need to stay healthy so I can keep working.” “Having Medicaid […]

Governor’s Task Force Votes to Recommend KanCare Expansion

Governor’s Task Force Votes to Recommend KanCare Expansion Move would allow thousands of Kansans with substance use disorders, mental health issues access to health care TOPEKA – At its final meeting before submitting a report to the governor, the Governor’s Task Force to Address Substance Use Disorders voted to include expansion of KanCare, the state’s […]

How to submit your comment to the Substance Use Task Force.

Substance use disorder, including opioid addiction, is a growing problem in Kansas. More than one-third of the 150,000 Kansans in the coverage gap have suffered from substance use disorder and/or mental health issues in the past year. That’s why the discussion happening at the Governor’s Task Force to Address Substance Use Disorders is so timely […]

In Kansas, let’s stop work requirements and expand KanCare

It is hard to imagine a federal court decision in Kentucky could have ripple effects in Kansas, but that is what happened this past week when it comes to Medicaid.   A federal judge recently blocked the state of Kentucky from requiring work as a condition of Medicaid eligibility, ruling that imposing such a requirement […]

Federal Judge Rejects Medicaid Work Requirements

In a ruling on Friday, a federal judge in Kentucky blocked that state’s Medicaid work requirement. The court decision said imposing work requirements on Medicaid enrollees violates federal law and the program’s purpose of providing health care to the most vulnerable Americans. “Today’s federal court ruling confirms that work requirements do nothing to enhance access […]

Job Announcement – Executive Director

The Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, a statewide coalition of over 100 organizations focused on engaging consumers and community members on important health issues, is currently seeking an Executive Director to provide overall direction and policy strategy for the Alliance. The Alliance’s mission is to work as a collaborative and unified group of organizations to […]

Doctors agree: Expand KanCare NOW.

Senate Health Care Repeal Bill Would Cut Federal Funding to Kansas by $917 Million

Senate Health Care Repeal Bill Would Cut Federal Funding to Kansas by $917 Million Per Capita Cap Would Devastate State Budget in the Next Decade Topeka, Kansas – A new report from the Alliance for a Healthy Kansans previews the devastating impact awaiting Kansans should the U.S. Senate move forward this week on a vote […]