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Statement on jobs in Kansas

With news that the state lost over 2,000 private sector jobs since August and over 6,300 jobs in the last  year, the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas emailed all candidates to let them know that expanding KanCare will create jobs and have an economic impact. Below is the letter that we sent to all candidates: […]

Wichita police chief: Mental illness putting a strain on staff

This morning Wichita Police Chief Gordon Ramsay spoke about the important connection between law-enforcement, mental illness and lack of insurance coverage.  Below is the statement from David Jordan, Executive Director of  the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, in response to Chief Ramsay’s comments: I applaud Chief Ramsay for his willingness to talk about the connection […]

Lessons Learned from the Field

This summer and into the fall, the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas has been traveling the state to build support for expanding Kancare.  Over the course of our travels, we have engaged thousands of Kansans and partnered with hundreds of organizations — and we have learned a lot from our efforts to date.  Earlier today, […]

Sheldon Weisgrau: Politics, Elections, & Expanding KanCare

Originally Published for Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City.   By Sheldon Weisgrau, Director of Health Reform Resource Project: On August 3rd, expanding KanCare became much more likely than it had been the day before (in Kansas, the Medicaid program is known as KanCare). What happened? August 2nd was primary election day in Kansas. After years […]

Kaiser Health News: Lack Of Medicaid Expansion Hurts Rural Hospitals More Than Urban Facilities

Via Kaiser Health News:  It isn’t news that in rural parts of the country, people have a harder time accessing good health care. But new evidence suggests opposition to a key part of the 2010 health overhaul could be adding to the gap.   The finding comes from a study published Wednesday in the journal […]

Join us on September 14th at the YWCA Network Lunch

This Wednesday, September 14th, the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas will be attending Sandy Praeger’s presentation on Medicaid Expansion and Health Care Reform at the YWCA Network lunch. We’d love for you to join us…details are below!   YWCA Network Lunch   225 SW 12th St. in Topeka  Wed, Sept 14: Sandy Praeger  “Medicaid Expansion & […]

A Note from David Jordan, Executive Director of Alliance for a Healthy Kansas

During last week’s primary, Kansans made their support for expanding KanCare known by voting for candidates across the state who support expanding KanCare. The Kansas Health Institute News Service reported that “the results of last week’s primary election may have given expansion advocates the traction they need to overcome opposition from Republican Gov. Sam Brownback […]

Kansas Health Institute: Primary results energize Medicaid expansion advocates

Victories by moderate Republicans and chance for Democratic wins in November create momentum on issue. The effort to expand Medicaid in Kansas has been stuck in the political mud for the better part of three years. Not anymore. The results of last week’s primary election may have given expansion advocates the traction they need to […]