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Kaiser Health News: Lack Of Medicaid Expansion Hurts Rural Hospitals More Than Urban Facilities

Via Kaiser Health News:  It isn’t news that in rural parts of the country, people have a harder time accessing good health care. But new evidence suggests opposition to a key part of the 2010 health overhaul could be adding to the gap.   The finding comes from a study published Wednesday in the journal […]

Join us on September 14th at the YWCA Network Lunch

This Wednesday, September 14th, the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas will be attending Sandy Praeger’s presentation on Medicaid Expansion and Health Care Reform at the YWCA Network lunch. We’d love for you to join us…details are below!   YWCA Network Lunch   225 SW 12th St. in Topeka  Wed, Sept 14: Sandy Praeger  “Medicaid Expansion & […]

A Note from David Jordan, Executive Director of Alliance for a Healthy Kansas

During last week’s primary, Kansans made their support for expanding KanCare known by voting for candidates across the state who support expanding KanCare. The Kansas Health Institute News Service reported that “the results of last week’s primary election may have given expansion advocates the traction they need to overcome opposition from Republican Gov. Sam Brownback […]

Kansas Health Institute: Primary results energize Medicaid expansion advocates

Victories by moderate Republicans and chance for Democratic wins in November create momentum on issue. The effort to expand Medicaid in Kansas has been stuck in the political mud for the better part of three years. Not anymore. The results of last week’s primary election may have given expansion advocates the traction they need to […]

Advocates say Medicaid expansion could insure about 5,000 in Douglas County

Kansas leaders’ rejection of Medicaid expansion isn’t felt in Douglas County as much as other, more rural and financially stressed areas of the state — but it is felt. That was the message Monday at a public forum in Lawrence hosted by supporters of Medicaid expansion. Alliance for a Healthy Kansas started several weeks ago […]

Community forum discusses who could benefit from KanCare expansion

Brenda Brown’s mother was uninsured for about three years, finding herself in the gap of not being old enough to qualify for Medicare and making too much money to receive Medicaid. She went without receiving a mammogram for that time period until she was old enough to be on Medicare. Doctors recently discovered she has […]

Kansas Health Institute: In Kansas’ richest county, Medicaid expansion’s absence still felt

Kansas Health Institute: Health officials say Johnson County losing revenue, benefits due to coverage gap. Tim DeWeese highlighted Johnson County’s neediest residents Monday while briefing an audience about what the county is losing because Kansas policymakers have declined to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. DeWeese, executive director of the county’s mental health agency, […]

Local health officials, residents raise voices for KanCare expansion

Local health officials expressed frustration Wednesday evening at state leaders’ refusal to expand KanCare. They held an open forum at the First Congregational Church in Topeka to explain why additional money is needed to provide health care for those who can’t afford it. According to the group Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, 150,000 Kansans live […]