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Statement on the CBO scoring of the Senate BCRA legislation

Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Health Kansas on the Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of the Senate Better Care Improvement Act: “The Congressional Budget Office issued its analysis of the Senate health care bill, the Better Care Improvement Act (BCRA) of 2017, and as expected, it’s bad news for all […]

Those Who Know Health Care the Best Say the Senate Repeal Bill is the Worst

Response to the Senate health care repeal bill has been swift and harsh. Physicians,  patient groups, hospitals, consumer groups, senior groups, faith leaders, and consumer groups have all come out against the Senate repeal bill.   PROVIDERS   American Academy Of Pediatrics: “The US Senate’s Health Care Legislation, At Last Unveiled Today, Fails To Meet […]

Statement on the AHCA Bill Reveal

Statement from David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on the release of United States Senate’s version of the American Health Care Act earlier today: The  Senate version of the  American Health  Care Act is bad for all Kansans but it is especially bad for rural Kansas, children, people with disabilities […]

Healthcare and Community Members Urge U.S. Senators to Protect the Health of Kansas Families

Recently, healthcare organizations and community members signed a letter urging Senators Roberts and Moran to protect health care in Kansas and reject the AHCA. Read their letter below:     The Honorable Pat Roberts United States Senate 109 Hart Building Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Jerry Moran United States Senate 521 Dirksen Senate Office Building […]

Bi-Partisan Coalition of Legislators Urge U.S. Senators Moran and Roberts to Protect Health Care

Recently, a bi-partisan group of legislators signed a letter urging Senators Roberts and Moran to protect health care in Kansas and reject the AHCA. Read their letter below:   The Honorable Pat Roberts United States Senate 109 Hart Building Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Jerry Moran United States Senate 521 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, […]

Alliance for a Healthy Kansas Statement on US House’s Passage of AHCA

Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on the U.S. House of Representatives vote to replace the Affordable Care Act with the American Health Care Act The U.S. House, with the support of all four representatives from Kansas, voted today to raise health care costs on older Kansans and […]

Here’s How Kansas Legislators Voted

While the veto override fell short, our efforts to expand KanCare will not stop. It’s thanks to you and our legislative supporters that we’ve moved so far forward. This is a complete list of the votes from the effort to expand KanCare on HB2044. Use this tool to look up your legislator and see how they voted […]

Alliance for a Healthy Kansas Statement on House’s Failure to Override Governor’s Veto of Medicaid Expansion

Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on the failed attempt of the House of Representatives to override the Governor’s veto of Medicaid expansion: “It is disappointing that the Kansas House failed to override the veto because a small group of representatives chose to side with the Governor instead […]