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Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on Senator Moran’s decision to oppose the Senate Health plan (BCRA)

Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on Senator Moran’s decision to oppose the Senate Health plan (BCRA): Sen. Jerry Moran deserves credit for taking a courageous stand against politics as usual and rejecting the harmful Better Care Reconciliation Act. His decision is a testament to his commitment to […]

Statement from Alliance for a Healthy Kansas on updated Senate Health Plan

  Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, on the release of the updated Better Care Reconciliation Act in the U.S. Senate: The updated Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), the Senate health plan released today, confirms that the goal of the proposal is to gut Medicaid and devastate the […]

Report: Senate Republican Health Bill Would Harm Kansas’ Tribal Communities

Today, a new report shows that the Senate health care plan, Better Care Reconciliation (BCRA), will harm Kansas’ tribal communities.  More details are below:   Senate Republican Health Bill Would Harm Kansas’ Tribal Communities  [Topkea, KS] – By slashing Medicaid and making marketplace coverage unaffordable, the Senate Republican health bill would have devastating consequences for Kansas […]

An update from David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas

What a week. Last week, Kansas was the center of national debate on health care. Senator Moran hosted three town hall events and hundreds of Kansans showed up to let him know that the Senate’s health plan, the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), was bad for Kansas. Thank you for turning out and helping Sen. […]

How Would Repeal and Replace of the Affordable Care Act Affect Kansas?

The Commonwealth Fund has evaluated the impact “Repeal and Replace” will have on each state, and encouraged us to share their Kansas report. Download the report here.

Kansas will be devastated by the House and Senate Health Care Plans

Download this Fact Sheet The United States House of Representatives’ American Health Care Act (AHCA) and the Senate’s similar Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) will have a disproportionate negative impact on states, like Kansas, that have older, more rural populations. The damage caused by these bills will impact Kansans in a variety of ways: Reduced access […]

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: What’s Lurking Beyond the Horizon of the CBO Score

Shared with the permission of Community Catalyst. See the original post here. By now, you’ve already seen the key takeaways from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score of the Senate repeal bill. But what you might not know is that the CBO score hides the most devastating of the Senate bill’s effects. Indeed, the CBO […]

Alliance for a Healthy Kansas Statement on Delayed Vote & Senator Moran’s Opposition to Senate Plan

Statement of David Jordan, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Health Kansas, on the decision to delay the Senate Health Vote and on Senator Moran’s opposition to the Senate plan   “Today Senator McConnell and Senate leadership decided to delay the vote on the Senate health care bill, the Better Care Improvement Reconciliation Act […]