Kansas Stories : Page 6


Kansas Stories: David

David had a fever several years ago and has experienced health problems ever since. He isn’t able to get help for his diabetes and neuropathy and he also suffers from knee and back problems. He has trouble walking or being on his feet for long, so he has struggled to maintain a job. “I have […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Tonya Dresher

“My hairdresser, who is 40 years old, mentioned to me a few weeks ago she has never had a mammogram and her last pap smear was after her son was born, about 11 years ago. She is also obese and is having what sounds like hypertension. When I asked her about insurance coverage, she stated […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Healthcare Providers, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Kenneth Hill

“My name is Kenneth Hill. I have many chronic conditions that I can’t get treated because I don’t have health insurance. Before I came to Kansas I lived in Missouri where I had the Truman discount [a hospital financial assistance program], so I was able to take care of my Hepatitis C and other chronic […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Behavioral Health, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: John

John is from McPherson, KS. He’s a father and he talks about the experiences and struggles his son is facing right now. John’s son is in the Medicaid coverage gap. John’s son has a mental health condition; he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and takes medication to treat it. He sometimes deals with aggressive episodes, […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Behavioral Health, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Chrisie Stonequist

Chrisie Stonequist is from Wellsville, KS. She is a mom of two and is a grandma. She’s currently unemployed after losing her job due to her health condition. She has no health insurance because it’s not affordable and most of the time she loses her job before she gets her benefits. Chrisie struggles with her […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Behavioral Health, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Vicki Pribble

Vicki Pribble is from Parsons, KS. She lives there with her two sons, Michael and Christopher. Vicki has insurance through Medicare and Christopher has health benefits from his dad, but Michael is unable to get health insurance. Michael lost his coverage through the Children’s Health Insurance Program when he turned 19 and he’s been without […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Behavioral Health, Disability Stories

Nurse Voices for Expansion Podcast: Carol Bush

This podcast from the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas covers storyteller and advocate Carol Bush. Carol has been a nurse focused in oncology and is a longtime nurse activist. She discusses her career focused on advocating for the health of others and why Medicaid expansion is so important to those she serves. Alliance for A […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Healthcare Providers

Kansas Stories: Louise Lynch

Louise Lynch is from Kansas City. She is a caregiver for her husband and daughter. Louise and her husband have health insurance, but their daughter does not. She previously had been covered under her parents’ plan but after she turned 26 (the cut-off age under federal law) that was no longer an option. Life without […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Medical Debt Stories