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Kansas stories: Stephanie

Stephanie is from Paola, Kansas. She is a mom of three children and a caretaker for her grandfather. When the pandemic hit, Stephanie lost her job. Like so many other Kansans, she struggled. Stephanie will lose her KanCare coverage during the renewal process. Since she owns her own cleaning business, she does not have access to employer-sponsored health insurance. Knowing this is a major stressor in Stephanie's life.

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Behavioral Health, Small Business Stories, Workforce Stories

Kansas stories: Mary

Mary is from Prairie Village. She is a mom who moved to Kansas from Arizona many years ago. When she moved here, she wanted to settle down, establish roots, and buy a home. After arriving in Kansas, Mary started working in a factory. She also took jobs landscaping and cleaning houses. Unfortunately none of her jobs offered employer-sponsored health insurance.

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Workforce Stories

story of the month: Grant county navigator

Mary is 61 years old and lives with her daughter, who is over the age of 18. She has been a stay-at-home mom her entire life, dedicated to taking care of her child.

Topic: All Consumer Stories

Kansas stories: tammi

Since Tammi can't see to drive, she is unable to work. She wants to get her eyes fixed so she can get back to work and finish paying off her house. She needs health insurance to help pay for her care so she can start working again.

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Workforce Stories

story of the month: Kansas navigator

A husband and wife came in looking for health insurance coverage. The husband had recently lost his job; his wife has a condition that prevents her from being able to work. They had trouble getting unemployment, as the system was tied up with fraudulent claims. They had been living off savings, hoping it would stretch long enough until the husband found another job.

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Chandra

Chandra is from Wichita. She is a mom and a poet, and is currently working on her second poetry collection. Chandra's KanCare expansion story is about her mom, Jo Anne. Jo Anne never really had access to insurance. She worked waiting tables -- a job that didn't provide health insurance. She made too much to qualify for KanCare, the state's Medicaid program. She tried to apply for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace, but she would have had to pay full price because she made too lit

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Cancer Stories, Workforce Stories

Kansas Stories: Dr. Whitney Trusty

Dr. Whitney Trusty is a family medicine physician in Kansas City, KS. She sees many underinsured and uninsured patients in her work. Dr. Trusty knows there are a lot of issues in the healthcare system, many of which stem from insurance coverage. She doesn’t believe that care should be determined by what someone can pay, […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Healthcare Providers

Kansas Stories: José Luis

I had to leave my country where I have lived and worked all my life, where my children were born and raised, so that [...]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Medical Debt Stories, Stories en español, Workforce Stories