Take Action: Defend Medicaid

As reports of proposals to take away health care flood the news, it’s time for Kansans to use our voices and tell our Congressional representatives – “Don’t Take Away Our Health Care!”

Health care programs should not be on the chopping block. Medicaid and Marketplace coverage keep health care affordable for all Kansans. Here are ways you can get involved:

call: 1-866-426-2631

Call the Kansas Congressional delegation offices (Call 1-866-426-2631) to tell them “Don’t Take Away Our Health Care!”

Here is what to do:

Sign the petition

No Kansan should have to choose between health care and basic needs like rent, gas, or groceries. But right now Congress is considering serious cuts to programs that could impact access to health care for hundreds of thousands of Kansans and increase costs for families across our state.

Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act protect Kansas families from devastating medical bills and debt. Even though Kansas hasn’t expanded Medicaid, more than 500,000 of our friends, family, and neighbors rely on these programs to afford essential care.

Did you know:

  • Kansas’s uninsured rate is higher than the national average?
  • Rural hospitals depend on Medicaid to cover essential services that some patients can’t afford?
  • Many Kansas families rely on Medicaid and ACA coverage to access vital medications?

Join us in making sure our Representatives and Senators in Washington, DC, know about the importance of:

  • Stable health care coverage for seniors, children, and Kansans with disabilities
  • Affordable health insurance options for working families
  • Support rural health care facilities
  • Access to behavioral health services

Add your voice to support Kansans having access to affordable health care!

Other things you can do

Already made your phone calls? Great! Here are a few other things you can do now (and continue to do in the coming weeks) to spread the word: Hands Off Medicaid!
