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Kansas stories: Tayla

Tayla is from Lindsborg, Kansas. She is a mom and she currently recently started working for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Kansas. She's excited about her work and sees longevity in her career. Tayla has experienced mental health issues for most of her life. She has Bipolar I and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Behavioral Health, Workforce Stories

Kansas stories: Crystal

October 2023 Crystal is from Riley county. She is a mom of two and a social work student. Today Crystal works part-time at a shelter, but in 2016 she became very sick and had to stop working. For a period of time, Crystal was uninsured. She didn’t get any care while she was without insurance, […]

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Behavioral Health, Families, Workforce Stories

red tape and income limits have booted 82,000 kansans off medicaid since may. how can they get back on?

sawyer belair | kansas city beacon October 24, 2023 Robyn Adams struggled to support her husband and teenage daughter on $16,000 a year during the pandemic. Then the pandemic ended and her family lost its Medicaid coverage. “We went into panic,” she said. The family relied on a temporary expansion of coverage authorized by the […]

Topic: All Consumer Stories

Kansas stories: Robyn

Robyn lives in Newton and is a mom. Unfortunately Robyn is one of the thousands of Kansans who have recently lost their health insurance and now does not have access to affordable health care. Like so many others, Robyn relied on KanCare for her health insurance during the COVID public health emergency. While she had KanCare she was able to see the doctor and fill her prescriptions to stay healthy and productive.

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Workforce Stories

‘i refuse to give up this fight:’ Laura Kelly reignites battle over Medicaid expansion

Governor Laura Kelly kicked off a statewide lobbying tour with the announcement that Medicaid expansion is her number one priority this year. "I refuse to give up on this fight," Governor Laura Kelly said Wednesday reigniting the battle over Medicaid expansion in the state.

Topic: All Consumer Stories

story of the month: Kansas navigator

A single mom with four children came in to see what options she might have for health insurance coverage. She hadn't had health insurance for several years and knew that she needed assistance to find affordable health coverage. She filled out an application for the Health Insurance Marketplace, hoping to get financial assistance or find something affordable. At the end of the application, though, it was clear: she was left without any affordable options. She made too much to qualify for the stat

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Families

story of the month: NEK-CAP navigator

As a navigator working for the Northeast Kansas Community Action Program (NEK-CAP), our storyteller this month had a client come in looking for health insurance. The client was a woman living in the area who had been experiencing several health issues. These health issues prompted her to seek help in looking for health insurance to help pay for her treatments.

Topic: All Consumer Stories

Kansas stories: Theresa*

Theresa is from western Kansas and is a mom of two. Her coverage gap story is about her son, David. David has been enrolled in the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which has been a huge help getting his behavioral health needs met. It has also helped him stay on much needed medications, which cost about $2,000. Prior to having health insurance, David spent a lot of time in special needs classrooms, but with the treatment and medication he was able to get through CHIP, that changed. 

Topics: All Consumer Stories, Behavioral Health, Workforce Stories