Kansas stories: tammi
February 2023
Tammi is from Topeka and has lived in Kansas most of her life. She has children who are now grown, but she loves spending time with her beloved chihuahua.
Tammi is one of the 150,000 Kansans who falls in the coverage gap. She’s unable to find affordable health insurance. Because of this, Tammi is unable to get regular health care.
When we met her, Tammi couldn’t see to drive, so she was unable to work. She wanted to get her eyes fixed so she could get back to work and finish paying off her house. She needs health insurance to help pay for her care so she can start working again.
Being just five years shy of 65 years old, Tammi doesn’t yet qualify for Medicare. But without dependent children under age 18 in her home, she doesn’t qualify for Medicaid, either. Tammi is stuck in a position where she has no options for health insurance in Kansas.
Tammi advocates for KanCare expansion because she knows how much it would help not only her own situation, but other Kansans like herself, too.