New Survey Shows Statewide Bipartisan Support for KanCare Expansion

A new statewide survey finds that almost 8 in 10 Kansas voters (78%) support expanding KanCare, the state’s Medicaid program, so that more low-wage Kansans can qualify for health coverage. Kansas is one of 12 states nationwide that has not expanded its Medicaid program, leaving thousands of residents with no affordable health insurance options.

The survey also found that many Kansans are worried about rising prices for food, gas, living expenses, and many have significant medical debt. Nine in 10 (89%) of those polled said they are concerned about health care costs and 82% agreed that expanding KanCare will help protect Kansas families from incurring medical debt during these difficult times.

The statewide survey, conducted in December 2021, shows that support for expanding KanCare is statewide and spans political parties, including:

  • 85% of people in urban communities, 79% of residents in suburban areas, 76% residents of small
    towns, 73% of people in rural areas.
  • 96% of Democrats, 76% of Independents, 65% of Republicans.

Click the image on the right to read the full press release