2025 Rally for Health Care- Details
March 12, 2025 | 12:30pm | 2nd floor rotunda
Attending the 2025 Rally for Medicaid Expansion Health Care at the Kansas Statehouse on Wednesday, March 12, 2025? Here are the details and resources you might need.
The Rally will take place in the Kansas Statehouse, 2nd floor rotunda. The Kansas Statehouse is located in Topeka at SW 8th St & SW Van Buren St. There are various parking options around the statehouse, including street metered parking, the Statehouse Visitor garage (limited spaces & time limits apply), and other parking garages.
- Kansas Statehouse Directions & parking
- City of Topeka Parking Garages map & information
- City of Topeka metered parking map & information (both digital payment and cash payment options)
If you are taking either of the free buses, you can find the full bus schedules on the Events tab of our website. The bus will drop you off and pick you up in the circle drive on the north side of the Capitol building.
See the full Wichita bus schedule (including Newton & Salina stops)
See the full Kansas City bus schedule (including Lawrence stop)
Kansas statehouse information
You’ll need to enter the Kansas Statehouse through the north doors to the Visitor’s Center. You will be required to go through security before entering the Statehouse. Going through this entrance will lead you to the ground floor rather than the 1st floor. Elevators and stairs are both available in the Statehouse.
The rally will take place on the 2nd floor in the middle rotunda. From the Visitor’s Center, make your way to the 2nd floor. We will have signs and staff stationed to help you find us. The rally will take place around the middle banister of the 2nd floor.
There’s a cafeteria and several snack bars open in the Statehouse for lunch and food options, open from 8:00am to 2:00pm. You can also find vending machines on the ground floor, or various restaurants a block away on Kansas Avenue.
Rally information
If you have an Love Thy Neighbor or another Medicaid expansion shirt, please wear it to the rally! If you don’t have one — no worries! We’ll have buttons, stickers, and signs that you can pick up when you get there.
You are allowed to bring handheld signs into the Capitol building, but it may not have a stick attached to it.
We also have a photobooth with various signs that you can take pictures with. If you post them on social media, be sure to use #ExpandKanCare and #ksleg so we can see them!
Meetings with legislators
We encourage you to set up meetings with your legislators while you are at the Statehouse. The rally will last from approximately 12:30 – 1:30pm, so anytime outside of that block will work. To make an appointment, call your legislator’s office and ask them for a constituent appointment. If your legislator is not available during the time you are at the Statehouse, we will have notecards available so you can write them a note and hand-deliver it to their office.
Not sure who to visit with? Find your legislator here
Find your Representative’s contact information
Find your Senator’s contact information
The Kansas House is in session daily beginning at 11:00am, and the Kansas Senate is in session daily beginning at 2:30pm. If you wish, you could watch proceedings from the galleries of each chamber while you are at the Statehouse. Both galleries are located off of the 4th floor of the Statehouse.
Other Resources
- Briefing Book on Medicaid Expansion
- Benefits of Medicaid Expansion by Kansas county
- Medicaid Expansion Advocacy Toolkit
- Kansas Statehouse information – from Visit Topeka
- Kansas State Capitol information – from the Kansas Historical Society