David Jordan and John Wilson: As crisis hits Kansas, existing federal funds can help families
By David Jordan and John Wilson | May 10, 2020
Kansas faces unprecedented challenges as the new coronavirus sweeps through our state, sickening many and upending the economy for many others. As leaders of two groups that focus on the needs of our state’s children and families, we’re gravely concerned about the toll on our littlest residents.
For the sake of our state’s future, we know that we must prioritize Kansas kids and families. But we also know this will be tough as state revenues fall and the path out of this crisis remains uncertain.
Fortunately, Kansas can pursue a strategy that balances the needs of our families with those of the state budget.
It means being fiscally conservative and leveraging each state dollar to draw down federal funds. This isn’t money being allocated through some special coronavirus relief bill. These are federal funds that have been available for years — funds that Kansas has essentially refused to take.